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Int 15 Fn 5307  - Advanced Power Management Specification - Set Power Sta  [p]

   AX = 5307h
   BX = device ID (see below)
   CX = system state ID
       0000h ready (not supported for device ID 0001h)
       0001h stand-by
       0002h suspend
       0003h off (not supported for device ID 0001h)
       0004h-FFFFh reserved

Return: CF clear if successful
   CF set on error
       AH = error code (01h,09h,0Ah,60h) (see AX=5300h)

Note:  should not be called from within a hardware interrupt handler to avoid
     reentrance problems

Values for device IDs:
 0000h system BIOS
 0001h all devices for which the system BIOS manages power
 01xxh display (01FFh for all attached display devices)
 02xxh secondary storage (02FFh for all attached secondary storage devices)
 03xxh parallel ports (03FFh for all attached parallel ports)
 04xxh serial ports (04FFh for all attached serial ports)
 0500h-FFFFh reserved

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